Meet the New WiCT Board Members - LAVNCH [CODE]

Meet the New WiCT Board Members

Last month, Women in Consumer Technology (WiCT) added Amanda “Mandy” Beckner, CEDIA’s vice president of education and training, and Norma Garcia-Muro, vice president of marketing at Kaleidescape, to its board.

We sat down with Beckner and Garcia-Muro to chat about their recent appointment and their plans for the organization.

LAVNCH [CODE]: What motivated you to join the board of Women in Consumer Technology?

Mandy Beckner

BECKNER: Anyone who’s met Carol Campbell [the organization’s founder] can tell you what a galvanizing force she is. I was reminded of that gift when I observed the Leadership Coaching event in Washington, D.C. in June 2022. Every participant had a strong reason for being there, was fully engaged in the program and supported each other’s growth. This is a dynamic that doesn’t just happen. It’s built on trust and connection and the WiCT leaders are dedicated to valuing and celebrating that dynamic.

GARCIA-MURO: Empowering women within the technology and film industry is a personal mission of mine. I’ve been championing numerous organizations in my career that fit my passions. I would like to see women take on leadership roles so we can help shape the future of innovation and storytelling. As an executive, I feel a personal responsibility to elevate diverse voices and open doors so others can also have a seat at the table.

LAVNCH [CODE]: You’re a mentor to so many people in the ProAV and consumer tech industries. Why is mentorship important to you?

BECKNER: In 2000, Melissa Taggart, a former executive at AVIXA, gave me some feedback that was tough to hear. She used the phrase, “I do you no favors by shielding you.” That changed something in me. Mentorship is so often misconstrued as protection or guardianship, but that’s not the transformative mentorship experience I’ve had nor intend to replicate. Mentorship requires gumption, commitment, and acceptance… and wow, it is totally worth it.

Norma Garcia-Muro

GARCIA-MURO: Mentoring profoundly changes the lives of others, and it has a remarkable ripple effect that isn’t understood until you experience it yourself. When a good mentor impacts you, you want to share and champion others. I had uplifting mentors throughout my career who helped me position my empathetic nature as a strength, not a weakness, and spotlight my collaborative spirit to effectively impact change. I want to help cultivate leaders who can/want/will change the world in a positive way. Imagine how much better our world would be if we all helped one another be the best version of ourselves (Ego aside). I saw this cool quote the other day that rings true to me, “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure the impact lasts in your absence.”

LAVNCH [CODE]: What are your goals as a WiCT board member?

BECKNER: I want to model my role from the excellent board members I’ve had the privilege of working with. They approached a board position in service to the mission, were quick studies, and rolled up their sleeves. I bring with a me a passion for professional certifications, an appreciation for compelling event design, and experience in talent development. I look forward to learning more about the WiCT community, and, in doing so, learning more about myself.

GARCIA-MURO: My goals are to support, advocate and grow Women in Consumer Technology’s mission. The organization has done an exceptional job throughout the years, spearheading networking events and support groups and recognizing our excellent talent. I’m excited about bringing my insight and expertise to the group and building new initiatives with the board.

LAVNCH [CODE]: How do you see WiCT evolving in the next three to five years?

GARCIA-MURO: We are building on our success in outbound and outreach programs, Connect Circles and types of presentations both in the virtual and live arena. Now that we’re in the post-pandemic phase, we’re excited about elevating our engagement with members. This year, our CEDIA Luncheon will celebrate its 15th Anniversary! To join, engage, or participate, please feel free to reach out to any board member or visit our website at

LAVNCH [CODE]: Anything else you’d like to add?

BECKNER: I am appreciative of the opportunity to serve on the board of WiCT. I am also grateful to some of my personal mentors—Melissa Taggart, Betsy Jaffe, Norma Garcia-Muro, Becky Magnotta, and Carol Campbell—whose actions and wisdom have charted the course for my own journey.

GARCIA-MURO: Be the change you wish to see in the world, please mentor!

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